
今回の話をする前に、「 ハッカー は大手企業のみを攻撃のターゲットにしている」という固定観念は、捨てた方がいいと言っておきたい。 「どうせ盗みに入るなら、お金持ちを狙う」という一般的な認識から、“ハッキングするなら価値のある情報を「たくさん」保有していそうな大手を狙うもの”といった考えに至るだろう。 しかし、ここが穴場である。大手を狙うコストを考えると、いくら成功した時に得られる情報が「たく ...


7 Easy Ways to Protect WordPress Sites from Hackers

WordPress sites are highly targeted by hackers. There used to be a time when hacking was seen as a difficult skill that only evil coders in dark, solitary rooms could pull off. However, we’re no longer in that cyber era. Nowadays anyone can be a hacker, and most hackers can easily access and attack vulnerable websites. In fact, these days hackers can break into target systems w ...


Difference Between Phishing and Pharming

While phishing and pharming did not gain momentum until the mid-2000’s, they have been a force to be reckoned with since they first made waves on the Internet. According to a case study by Wombat Security, two-thirds of the organizations they studied have experienced targeted and personalized phishing attacks. (More chilling phishing facts here!). But phishing scams do not dis ...


Cloudbric Offers Online Safety Tips In Celebration of Safer Internet Day 2017

Cloudbric is a proud supporter of Safer Internet Day. A safe and civil Internet doesn’t depend on just you or me. It depends on all of us – that includes businesses, schools, organizations, local communities, and individuals. This year Cloudbric is a proud supporter of Safer Internet Day, an awareness-raising campaign that started in Europe more than a decade ago and is n ...


Partner Success Story: Celebrating Valued Customers with Luhost

Luhost's CEO for an in-depth interview with Cloudbric. “After using other website security services, Cloudbric is the only one that has proven to be effective, fast, reliable and flexible. For many years, I have trusted Cloudbric with all our websites. Highly recommended!” - Bryan J. Rincon CEO and President at Luhost. We view feedback as an important aspect of evaluat ...


XSS: The Con-Artist

“XSS” is an acronym you hear often in the field of information security as it’s a common attack found in web applications affecting both the client and the server. And while acronyms can fool you into thinking that it’s quite hi-tech and complicated, at the root of it, XSS is simply a con-artist, waiting for his next ploy. What is XSS? Short for Cross Site S ...