The report of Web attack trend in the second half of 2021

The report of Web attack trend in the second half of 2021 (WATT Report: Web Application Threat Trend Report) has been released. The web attack trend report is a web attack trend analysis report based on the detection log statistics of Cloudbric WAF+ and Penta Security's WAPPLES, which have been used by companies worldwide. This report is written and distributed for the purpose of pro ...


Zero Trust Network Access or VPN: Which One is the Best for Remote Work

With the recent COVID-19 pandemic, many companies have shifted to remote work environments. This has allowed employees to work from home or at least partly obtain a flexible schedule. But this shift has triggered cybersecurity concerns due to an increased reliance on cloud-based applications and services. The rising cybersecurity threats have caused companies to encourage their remo ...


Cloudbric launches ‘Cloudbric WMS’

Cloudbric has launched 'Cloudbric WMS', a web application firewall management service that can be used in the Amazon Web Services (AWS) environment. Cloudbric (CEO, Jeong Tae-joon), a cloud security company, announced Cloudbric has launched 'Cloudbric WMS (WAF Managed Service)', a web application firewall management service that can be used in the Amazon Web Services (AWS) en ...


[Cloudbric’s latest news] Cloudbric Progress Report for December

Greetings, from Cloudbric. Here’s the latest from Cloudbric: for December 1st to December 31st.1.Technology Developments*Cryptobric App Update → Identity Authentication Enhancement : 5% complete (estimated time of completion: end of 2022 1Q) Technical review in progress → v3.0 SWG(Secure Web Gateway) SMS Phishing detection (estimated time of completion: end of 2022 ...


The Critical Nature of High Performance Security in the Age of Edge Computing

The Critical Nature of High-Performance Security in the Age of Edge Computing As of April 2021, it was reported that over 30 percent of survey participating organizations were running more than 50 percent of workloads in the cloud. Furthermore, in the next 12 to 18 months, it is expected that 56 percent of organizations will run above 50 percent of workloads in the cloud. These statisti ...


Understanding Cloud-Based Managed Security and its Importance for Organizations

Understanding Cloud-Based Managed Security and its Importance for Organizations With so much sensitive data being stored in the cloud these days, the number one concern is security. While everyone is aware of how important it is, security vulnerabilities are not the easiest to solve and overcome. Companies may seek help from security solution providers who tend to deploy security anal ...

4Q 2021 Web Vulnerability Trend Report Released

The forth quarter of 2021 Web Vulnerability Trend Report (CVE/EDB Report) has been released. The Web Vulnerability Trend Report (CVE/EDB Report) is a report written by Cloudbric in-house security experts by analyzing the web vulnerability-related matters of Exploit-DB which anyone around the world can check. In this report, It summarizes not only the analysis results of the risk and i ...


What is DDoS and Why Does Your Cloud Security Software Need DDoS protection?

What is DDoS and Why Does Your Cloud Security Software Need DDoS protection? As our lives have shifted to the Internet during the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic, distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks are on the rise. Specifically, ransom DDoS attacks. It was reported that ransom DDoS attacks increased 29% from 2020 to 2021. For example, in the case of a DDoS attack on food deliv ...