User Feedback Means New Console and Better Results

Today, Cloudbric has launched the upgraded Console 2.0. Cloudbric has received tons of precious customer’s feedback since February last year which helped build the upgraded console and match the voices of the customers. There are quite a few aesthetic changes to point out, however, let us first take you through a deeper look at the data being captured with Console 2.0.


New Looks

graphs of web attack data from cloudbric new console
More details with a cleaner looks for easier viewing.

Management Control and Visibility

Cloudbric also adopted a new way to manage settings for making changes for your protection preferences much easier.



Server Name Change Made Easier

You can use Cloudbric in two ways, but first you must change the name server information of your website. Either from your domain provider or hosting provider, you will change the name server information to that of Cloudbric in order for Cloudbric to work as a proxy. Second, you may change the A-record and CNAME of your current website.

Now, to experience these updated features please simply sign in to your account and explore the new dashboard. If you are new to Cloudbric, once you sign up, you will automatically be directed to Console 2.0 and can start protecting immediately!

Please also remember: During this beta period, people who submit the most feedback will receive the $100 Amazon or Starbucks gift card!


Cloudbric was able to make these changes possible because of the awesome feedback that was received. This allows us to actualize how important feedback is, so please never hesitate to help us help you.