What is cloud security? Can users keep the cloud 100% safe with the help of a WAF?

cloud security

IT security is more than just managing a single server. Now, the growing popularity of the cloud environment is able to address the same internal and external threats within the field.

Cloud service providers manage the cloud computing environment for companies, so does this mean that companies are free from all kinds of existing security problems? Not really. 

Cloud service providers do provide security services but are still at the hardware security level. However, application and data security are still up to service users, in other words, the end client 

Let’s take a quick look at the essential core of IT security today to prevent your business from most cyber attacks. 

Cyber attacks that could have been prevented through a WAF (Web Application Firewall)

There are various types of cyberattacks these days. However, the reality is 

more than 90% of recent security incidents are from the web application layer. The starting point of most web attacks is from the vulnerabilities of the web application.

In other words, all of these cyberattacks could have been prevented if only users have adopted and activated their Web Application Firewall (WAF)

What if cyberattacks can’t be prevented even with the use of WAF? 

data encryptionNevertheless, cyber accidents still occur. IT security is not based on the assumption that no accidents will happen but is based on the assumption that cyberattacks would happen. To keep businesses continuously running, company owners must think of the possibility of being attacked by hackers. If not, it can lead you to losing your business completely. Therefore, companies should keep in mind that anyone and everyone can experience cyber threats and should prepare for ways to recover. 

Data leakage dangers

All defense networks have the potential to be breached and every piece of data has the potential to be leaked. Businesses should do their best to prevent data leakage and also prepare for possible data leakage at the same time. When a company experiences a data breach, the only way to minimize the damage is by data encryption. So even when a criminal was able to steal your data, they won’t be able to see the contents thanks to encryption. 

Cloud security service 

People still doubt and think negatively about cloud services because of the uncompleted technology and its complexity usages compared to existing systems. Many also believe the cloud is not safe. However, this is a misunderstanding of those who have not yet used cloud services. Companies satisfied with the cloud agree it reduces the time required to apply new applications and services and for overall maintenance. And companies that have not yet moved to cloud services will not be able to keep up with the businesses that have already moved to the cloud. In other words, the cloud is a solid trend. Since most companies do not directly manage their servers these days and are being managed by the world’s most famous and huge cloud companies instead, people tend to misunderstand that there would not be any single security issue. 

Responsibility for application and data security

This is a very serious misunderstanding because cloud service providers mostly only offer hardware and network-level security. So, application and data security are the responsibility of the users. This is not a secret but is clearly written in the service manual. So what should users do when they can’t install and operate WAF hardware to protect their web application on their own? Users can operate cloud security that fits their cloud environment. They can get the same cloud security services as their existing hardware WAF in just a few clicks without the need for a complex setup process. 

Cloud security services for start-up companies 

start-upsAnother important topic is about start-up companies. A start-up is a company that seeks short-term, high-speed growth through disruptive innovations and ideas, and usually boasts a flexible company culture. Most start-ups only focus on business expansions and marketing and do not value security. Not enough attention in data security leads to constant security accidents; almost all start-up companies make the same mistakes.  Companies tend to realize the importance when they see other start-up companies collapsing due to security accidents, but the problem is they only realize and not do anything to protect themselves from cyber threats. However, no one can ignore the complaints of small start-up companies that have no way of adopting a security service that large companies are able to use. There are barely start-up companies that start their business with lots of money so large-enterprise level security services are a burden, but there is a way to solve that problem. Since the cloud is the trend these days, IT security is also provided as a cloud serviceCloud services are services that provide computing environments and functions through networks. Technically speaking users only pay for the amount of service they have used. If the use of resources has increased or decreased, users will only pay for that amount. The three most important elements for company information security that you should keep in mind are web security, data encryption, and authentication security. All of these are provided in the form of a cloud, so start-ups can also have the same security services a large company uses. 

Security in the cloud era

To sum things up, 

  • Most cyberattacks occur in the web application, and using a WAF is the best way to prevent it. 
  • Even with the use of WAF, if a cyber accident still occurs, avoid the worst with data encryption.
  • Use cloud security services if you can’t run your own IT security system. 
  • Start-ups that can’t afford to have a secured environment should use cloud security services. 

We can help start-ups, small and large businesses in protecting sensitive information from hackers with our Cloudbric WAF+ which has been vetted to be one of the most comprehensive solutions against cyber threats.Find out more: cloudbric.com/website-security