Event Name: Baiconf - Blockchain Alternative Investment ConferenceDate: June 18-19Location: LondonBAIConf, London’s blockchain alternative investment conference, was a two day event with the first day dedicated to conferences, and the second to exhibitions. Featuring leading fund managers in cryptocurrencies, successful ICO CEOs of 2017 and 2018, in addition to accredited and high ...
[이벤트] 클라우드브릭, BlockShow Europe 참석
이벤트: BlockShow Europe
일정: 5월 26~30일(5일)
위치: 베를린
Blockshow Europe 2018는 블록체인 솔루션을 전시하는 국제 행사로 3000명이 넘는 참가자와 200여명의 기자가 참석했습니다. 클라우드브릭 연구팀은 이 행사에서 클라우드브릭 서비스의 가치와 비전에 대해 설명하고 다양한 기업과의 만남을 가졌습니다.

클라우드브릭팀의 추가 이벤트 소식을 가지고 다시 찾아오겠습니다! ...
[Events] Cloudbric Executives Attend 121 Tech Investment
Event Name: 121 Tech Investment - Connecting tech companies with investorsDate: June 13-14Location: Hong KongThe 121 Tech Investment in Hong Kong has far exceeded Cloudbric’s expectations, as it could not have been a better event for ICO startups. The event focused on connecting tech companies with investors, and through a unique 1-2-1 meeting service (hence the name 121 Tech Inves ...
[이벤트] 클라우드브릭, Consensus 2018 참석
이벤트: Consensus 2018 - Annual Blockchain Technology Summit
일자: 5월 14-16일(3일간)
위치: 뉴욕
Consensus 2018는 현존하는 블록체인 컨퍼런스들 중 가장 규모가 크고 유명한 행사입니다. 이 행사엔 블록체인 업계의 다양한 스타트업, 투자자, 금융 기관, 기업 기술 선도 업체 및 블록 체인과 디지털 통화 경제의 토대를 구축하는 주요 인사들이 참석합니다.
클라우드브릭 연구팀은 (CEO TJ Jung, CPO Tai Kim, CSO Peter Cha)는 Consensus 2018에 참여하여 암호화폐 분야의 거물들과 네트워킹을 통해 클라우드브릭 서비스 홍보와 해외시장 진출 등에 대한 많은 이야기를 나누웠습니다.
클라우드브릭팀의 추가 이벤트 소식을 가지고 다시 찾아오겠습니다!
[Events] Cloudbric Pitches At Runway to RISE Seoul
Event Name: Runway to RISE Seoul - Pitch competitionDate: June 14thLocation: Seoul Korea Runway to RISE Seoul, was an event prior to the main RISE event in Hong Kong where 8 Korean startups participated pitched their ICOs and businesses. Cloudbric was selected as 1 of 8 finalist speakers, and though comparatively less ICO and cryptocurrency focused than other events attended, it was a c ...
Device Security & Crypto Asset Protection: Introducing Cloudbric’s Secure Web Gateway
Mobile devices and PCs are an indispensable part of their daily lives. Unfortunately, you won’t find web security and mobile device security under a unified solution in the cybersecurity market. For this reason, Cloudbric will introduce a Secure Web Gateway, a new kind of endpoint security client that will integrate these two worlds and enable all internet-connected users to se ...
[Events] Cloudbric’s CSO Pitches At Tulip Conference
Event Name: Tulip Conference - Next-Gen Blockchain, Digital Currencies ConferenceDate: June 6-7Location: San FranciscoThe Tulip Conference in San Francisco was a blockchain and digital currencies conference held at the global center of high technology, Silicon Valley. Cloudbric had the opportunity to pitch its ICO directly to venture capitals and top leaders of the cryptocurrency market. ...
[Events] Cloudbric Attends BlockShow Europe
Event Name: BlockShow EuropeDate: May 26~30Location: BerlinBlockshow Europe 2018 featured over 3,000 attendees, €50,000 for Blockshow Oscar Awards, and 200+ journalists. Despite the large number of attendees, the event was carried out professionally on schedule and provided Cloudbric a great opportunity to network and receive PR exposure. Networking areas were arranged as well. Take ...
[Events] Cloudbric at Consensus 2018
Event Name: Consensus 2018 - Annual Blockchain Technology SummitDate: May 14-16 Location: New YorkConsensus is one of the largest blockchain events held annually in New York, also called the Annual Blockchain Technology Summit. Consensus 2018 featured over 250 speakers and 4,000 attendees globally from leading industry startups, investors, financial institutions, enterprise tech leaders, ...
Traditional ICO Tokens Vs Reverse ICO Tokens
ICOs have proved to be massively successful, regardless if the ICO turned out to be a scam or not. While it’s hard to say exactly how much “fake” ICOs have raked up in proceeds, according to one study, 271 fake ICOs have cost investors a whopping $1 billion. However, legitimate ICOs that have done well are raking up even more, and the total sales amount is impre ...