
Website Security 101: How Hackers Hack

Did you ever wonder how hackers actually hack a website? We often hear in the news that a website was hacked—ending up with millions of customers’ personal data being compromised and often times ending up with identity theft. However, how exactly do hackers steal all that precious customer information? In order to properly hack, hackers understand how the website is b ...


What Are The Attacks I See on My Cloudbric Dashboard?

If you log into your own Cloudbric dashboard, you can see which types of attacks attempted to attack your website by month. Just filter the dates that you want to analyze, and you can see your total website visits compared to the attempted hack attacks. In the below example, you can see that this month, there were a variety of hack attacks attacking this website (Include Injection, Cr ...


How Does Cloudbric Protect Against Phishing Websites?

Almost everyone has received a questionable e-mail from a seemingly reliable source. Perhaps, the e-mail looked like it was from your bank because it detected fraudulent activity on your credit card. However, upon further inspection, you noticed that the actual e-mail address and its language looked a bit different than usual. At that moment, you probably realized that it is actually ...